Monday 6 January 2014

Face of Faces.

with this image i created a popart image of anthony. i then duplicated the image and set the layer type to multiply. i then set about adding one by one all of my edited images i have done of anthony. (exluding the magazine covers) once i had the images onto the seperate layers i resized them and positioned them into place where they would fit well. once i was happy with the layout of all the images i flattened the iamge and saved it. 

it wasn't untill i showed my tutor my progress when she suggested that i fade the images out to bring back the pop art style images so this is what i did and i think it looks so much better than my first attempt.

my tutor helped me to make this image. i ran out of time to create my own version from scratch but i would have done this if i had more time to do so. this was done by selecting a few images of me and Anthony grouping them together and duplicating them to fill in the background area then i simply played about with the layer types untill i was happy with the result of it. this is a method i would consider using in other projects. 

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