Thursday 12 June 2014

final images before and after editing.

here are my final images.

when i edited this i simply removed the background and added a painted black background on Photoshop. i also removed unwanted marks on the arm and bracelets.

To edit this image i kept it simple by only altering the levels on photoshop. 

this image was slightly complex because i removed some of the unwanted lines on the skull to start off with. i then duplicted the layer and altered the hue and saturation of the image to make the goggles purple. this also made parts of the skull and the gears purple so i had to erase these areas. i then duplicated the first later again and altered the hue and saturation to turn the gear green, i then put the saturation on full. and removed all the other parts of the image so that the gear remained. when i was happy with the finished effect i flattened the image. 

for this image i used to curve feature this is a feature i like using because it gives a unique effect which would take me many laters to achieve the same effect using the hue and saturation feature. i really like the effect and the colours that the feature is able to give. 

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